Amid the challenging economic scenario and newfound initiative by the Government to improve tax environment, businesses need to pay close attention to tax challenges and rework their strategies.

Compliance is no longer limited to an annual exercise aimed at filing of a tax return, but has evolved into a full-time function focused on effective tax structuring and planning ensuring that organisations remain competitive in this complex business environment and at the same time manage their tax exposure.

We, at D. P. Thakkar & Co., keep clients aware of developments that may affect business, and also help interpret their significance and plan strategic initiatives, enabling them to balance compliance and value creation. We can help inter alia in direct tax compliance services like preparation and filing of Income tax returns, Advance tax and Tax deducted at source.

Man created the State to govern society. The State levied taxes to run the government. Over time, taxation became more complex. Now, the struggle is to make it simpler. Amid the challenging economic scenario and newfound initiative by the Government to improve tax environment, businesses need to pay close attention to tax challenges and rework their strategies. Effective tax structuring and planning ensures that organisations remain competitive in this complex business environment and at the same time manage their tax exposure.

While the laws are the same for all businesses, in many cases an in-depth and holistic understanding of the client’s business ethos is missing. We deliver risk-adjusted optimisation by providing simple and precise tax structuring advice. Our processes are time-tested and we do not operate in silos.