The Goods and Service Tax (GST) is radical tax reform. It has resulted in to comprehensive tax base and virtually all goods and services are taxable. GST will impact tax incidence, credit utilization, compliances and will require complete overhaul of the indirect tax system of business entities. Business entities will have to reevaluate their supply chain, renegotiate contracts with customers/vendors and reset tax practices.

The firm offers comprehensive GST advisory, compliance and operational support services to assist businesses.

The systematized compliance services and operational support offered by us encompasses various activities such as obtaining registrations and licenses, filing of returns and assistance in refund applications. We also assist in preparing replies/responses to show cause notices.

Indirect taxes directly impact cost of goods and service, cash flow, profitability and ultimately stakeholder value. Any lapse in recovering tax at transaction stage would result in adverse commercial implications. It is imperative for business entities to examine its tax structures, undertake in-depth analysis of the tax costs and thrive for tax optimization. Precise documentation and compliance is must to be on the right side of the law.

The Goods and Service Tax (GST) introduced in July 2017 is radical tax reform. It has resulted in to comprehensive tax base and virtually all goods and services are taxable. While GST has been a game-changer, it has impacted the tax incidence, credit utilization, compliances and resulted into complete overhaul of the indirect tax system of business entities. We regularly assist Business entities revaluate their supply chain, contracts with customers/vendors and reset tax practices including compliance with E- Invoices, timely refund application and other fast evolving rules.